

Research on the application of LED light source in photocatalytic wastewater treatment technology

  • 摘要: 光催化處理染料類廢水處理具有綠色🏗、無二次汙染的特點🏔,但其在可見光下較低的處理速率以及人工光源較高的電能成本限製了該技術在工業上的推廣。近年來隨著發光二極管(LED)技術的不斷發展✪,LED的光電轉換效率不斷提高,采用LED作為光催化汙水處理中的光源或許是一種有效的手段🚴‍♀️,與傳統的光源相比,其具有更小的體積→🚒、更長的壽命、更低的能耗和更強的可調性等優點。通過結合LED光源和光敏催化材料🕵🏻‍♀️,可以實現高效、綠色的光催化反應。采用平行光反應器測試幾種常見的光催化劑的光催化速率,並探究了LED的波長🤞🏻、輻照強度以及輻照方式對光催化速率的影響。研究表明TiO2在365 nm的光源照射下具有最高的一階反應速率常數,g-C3N4在365~420 nm的波段中均具有相對較高的一階反應速率常數,輻照強度以及方式的改變均有助於光催化速率的提升🖐🏽。


    Abstract: Photocatalytic dye wastewater treatment has the advantages of being green and free from secondary pollution. However, the low processing rate in visible light and the high electric energy cost of artificial light sources limit its implementation in industry. With the continuous development of light-emitting diode (LED) technology in recent years, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of LEDs has been constantly improved. Therefore, using LED as the light source for photocatalytic wastewater treatment may be an effective method to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment. Compared to traditional light sources, LED technology has advantages such as smaller volume, longer service life, lower energy consumption and greater adjustability. By combining LED light sources with photosensitive catalysts, efficient and environmentally friendly photocatalytic reactions can be achieved. In this study, several common photocatalysts were tested for their photocatalytic rates using a parallel light reactor. The effects of LED wavelength, irradiance intensity and mode on photocatalytic rates were also investigated. The results showed that TiO2 had the highest first-order reaction rate constant under 365 nm LED irradiation, while g-C3N4 exhibited relatively high first-order reaction rate constants in the 365-420 nm wavelength range. Increasing irradiance intensity and the changes of irradiance mode were found to be conducive to improving the photocatalytic rate.



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