
8萬 t/a戊烷工藝換熱網絡優化設計

Optimization of heat exchange network for 80 000 t/a pentane process

  • 摘要: 針對80 000 t/a戊烷工藝,采用Aspen Plus軟件對生產工藝能耗進行分析🖼。采用熱泵精餾對工藝流程進行節能設計,並進一步利用夾點技術對換熱網絡進行集成和優化⛹🏻。優化結果表明:優化後換熱網絡共回收熱量8509 kW,熱公用工程節省54.9%,冷公用工程節省70.6%。同時減少了約67.5%的工藝換熱面積,優化後總費用下降約35.2%。


    Abstract: Aspen Plus software was used to simulate the 80 000 t/a raffinate pentane hydrogenation process. The heat exchange network was optimized by heat pump distillation and pinch technology. After optimization, about 8509 kW of energy is recovered. The heat utility is reduced by 54.9%, the cold utility is reduced by 70.6%, and the heat exchange area is reduced by 67.5%, resulting in 35.2% decrease in total investment cost.



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