

Lead Perovskite Piezoelectric Single Crystals and AC Poling Method

  • 摘要: 鉛基鈣鈦礦型弛豫壓電單晶是一種ABO3型壓電材料🦏🐻‍❄️,其中A位陽離子為鉛,B位陽離子為铌、鎂、鋅🥺、銦和鈦等。在準同型相界(MPB)附近🦯,此類壓電單晶的壓電常數(d33)和機電耦合系數(k33)都遠大於傳統的PZT系壓電陶瓷👱,自20世紀80年代以來人們對其材料製備和器件開發做了系統的研究。目前𓀘,世界上有7大公司正在大量生產和銷售這種鉛基鈣鈦礦型壓電單晶材料👟,主要用於醫療超聲波診斷儀的探頭。介紹鉛基鈣鈦礦型壓電單晶的發展歷史和現狀,以及近年來已經成為熱門話題的交流電場極化方法🎒🏅。


    Abstract: Lead perovskite relaxor piezoelectric single crystals (SCs) are ABO3 type piezoelectric materials that have lead (Pb) at the A site and complex oxides such as niobium (Nb), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), indium (In), and titanium (Ti) at the B site and their material development and application began in early 1980s. These kind of relaxor SCs in the rhombohedral (R) phase with the PT composition close to the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) have been studied systematically, since they have ultrahigh piezoelectric coefficients d33 and electromechanical coupling coefficients k33 compared with the traditional Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) ceramics. At present, seven companies are mass-producing and selling these SC materials in the world for piezoelectric probes of medical ultrasonic diagnostic apparatuses. In this article, we will introduce the history and current situation of the lead perovskite piezoelectric SCs, and the alternating current poling (ACP) method, which has been a big topic in recent years in detail.



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