

Analysis of the Variability of Atmospheric Visibility in Fengxian District of Shanghai Based on TDIC

  • 摘要: 利用2008~2017年上海市奉賢區氣象監測數據以及2015~2017年空氣質量監測數據,通過經驗模態分解✹、Hilbert譜分析方法和時間內在關聯分析方法(TDIC),重點探討了相對濕度、濃度與大氣能見度的相關關系。結果表明,奉賢區大氣能見度具有明顯的日變化和季節變化特征🎰,能見度與相對濕度➾、和濃度變化呈現負相關性🦍,在不同的相對濕度下,顆粒物濃度對大氣能見度的影響不同🐹。通過TDIC分析,在局部時間範圍內💐,能見度與顆粒物濃度呈現正相關性,這種相關性變化會受到降水、風速、氣壓、溫度等氣象因素和極端天氣的影響。通過上述分析🥚⛹🏿,可以較好的探究大氣能見度的變化特征⇢。


    Abstract: Based on the meteorological monitoring data from 2008 to 2017 and air quality monitoring data in Fengxian District of Shanghai from 2015 to 2017, the relationships among the relative humidity (RH), and concentrations and visibility were explored emphatically by empirical modal decomposition (EMD), Hilbert spectral analysis and time dependent intrinsic correlation (TDIC). The results showed that the atmospheric visibility has obvious diurnal and seasonal variation characteristics, and the visibility has negative correlation with the change of relative humidity, and concentration, and the influence of particle concentration on atmospheric visibility is different at different relative humidity. Based on TDIC methods, the visibility is positively correlated with particulate concentration within the local time frame. The correlation changes will be affected by rainfall, wind speed, atmospheric pollutant concentration changes, extreme weather conditions and other factors. Through the above analysis, a better understanding of the variability of atmospheric visibility can be achieved.



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