Development of Solid State Lighting Industry in China
摘要: 半導體照明(亦稱固態照明, solid state lighting, SSL), 是繼白熾燈☆👵🏼、熒光燈之後的又一次光源革命.2016牟, 我國半導體照明產業規模達5 126億元, 關鍵技術與國際水平差距逐步縮小, 示範應用居於世界前列, 已成為全球最大的半導體照明生產、消費和出口國.當前半導體照明產業面臨新的形勢是:國際上技術快速進步, 新興應用崛起, 市場滲透加速, 競爭格局調整; 國內產業集中度進一步提升, 龍頭企業加快擴張, 海外市場拓展加速, 整合並購成為主流.本文系統梳理了我國半導體照明產業發展的現狀及趨勢, 分析了我國半導體照明產業發展面臨的機遇與挑戰, 提出下一步推動我國從半導體照明產業大國向產業強國轉變的主要工作.Abstract: Semiconductor lighting (solid state lighting or SSL) is leading the revolution of light source after incandescent and fluorescent lamps. In 2016, the semiconductor lighting industry scale has reached 512.6 billion yuan in China. The key technology gap between China and international is reduced gradually, and demonstration applications take the lead around the world. China has become the largest production, consumption and exporting country of SSL in the world. At present, the SSL industry is facing new trends. For international situation, the technology is progressing rapidly, the emerging applications are rising, the market penetration is accelerating and the competition pattern is adjusting. For domestic situation, the domestic industry concentration is improving, the leading enterprises as well as overseas market are expanding rapidly, and the mergers and acquisitions are predominating. This paper will focus on the semiconductor lighting industry status and trends in China, and analyze the main opportunities and challenges we are facing. The main work for the change from great industry nation to powerful industry nation is proposed.