

Scintillation Properties of LaCl3∶Ce Crystal with Low Radioactivity Background

  • 摘要: 使用錒系同位素含量低的原料製備了具有低放射性本底的10% Ce3 +摻雜氯化鑭(LaCl3∶Ce)樣品⛹🏽‍♂️。在製備的LaCl3∶Ce晶體中,天然錒系放射性同位素的放射性本底約為0.713 counts·s–1·cm–3。對於662 keV γ射線↪️,LaCl3∶Ce晶體的能量分辨率(FWHM)為3.3%💴。此外,與相同尺寸Ø25 mm×50 mm的NaI∶Tl晶體相比🤷🏼‍♀️,LaCl3∶Ce晶體的峰谷比、相對光輸出和峰值計數率分別為2.61倍、87.88%和1.96倍🪿,並對晶體尺寸對LaCl3∶Ce晶體的閃爍性能的影響進行了討論👩🏻‍🦲。


    Abstract: 10% Ce3+-doped lanthanum chloride (LaCl3∶Ce) crystals with low-radioactive background have been prepared using raw materials with low content of U-series isotopes. The radioactive background was estimated to be about 0.713 counts·s–1·cm–3 resulted from the natural U-series radioactive isotopes in the prepared LaCl3∶Ce crystal. The energy resolution (FWHM) of the LaCl3∶Ce crystal was 3.3% for 662 keV γ-rays. Moreover, the peak-to-valley ratio, relative light output and peak count rate of the LaCl3∶Ce crystal were approximately 2.61 times, 87.88% and 1.96 times of that of NaI∶Tl crystal with the same size of Ø25 mm× 50 mm, respectively. The effects of crystal size on the scintillation properties of the prepared LaCl3∶Ce crystal were discussed.



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